Wednesday, June 1, 2016

You're Gonna Miss This... You're Gonna Want This Back

My time in Europe has come to an end. Now it's time to reflect on this opportunity that I so gratefully got to take advantage of.
I’ve gone back and rewrote this a dozen times or more. I just couldn’t figure out what to say or how to adequately close this chapter of my life. But after a lot of thought I think I have some words that will get me as close as I can get.
            Throughout the 3 months I have been here, I have learned a ton. I’ve learned not only the history of the Czech Republic, but the culture and way of life. With the assistance of Jan and Martin I got to experience not only the Czech Republic but 12 different countries in Europe and learn the intertwining history. The list is as follows:
  • Ireland
  • Scotland
  • United Kingdom
  • Czech Republic
  • Poland
  • Austria
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • Belgium (really just the airport)
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary

In my past blogs I talked in detail about most of these excursions and the impact they had on me. However, what I did not talk about were those who led us through them and the impact they had on me.
            I cannot even begin to describe how thankful I am for the various people who put this together for us. However, I would like to extend a big thank you to Jan, Martin, Katka, and Kathy. These teachers were there for us day in and day out to make sure we got what we need and had an unforgettable experience. For leading 24 students around a foreign place, which was pretty much all the places we went, teaching us a hard and unpopular language, and putting up with the shenanigans 24 college students can get into, I will always be thankful.  I will always and forever remember all of them and the positive impact they had on my time in Europe.
            It was not only the teachers that had an impact on me but the various people I met. I was the only student on this trip from UNO and didn’t know anyone besides Emily when I first got here. It was very awesome coming into a group that was so accepting. I love that we all went to places together and spent some of our free time hanging out. Each one of us had something unique to bring to this program and I am so glad we got to learn about each other and benefit from everyone’s strengths.

            As well as the various Nebraska students we got to meet a ton of Czech students from the university we were attending. A huge thank you is owed to the ISHA group who hosted us and made us feel so welcome. A special thank you to the buddies we were paired with, mine being Lukas and Natalia. Thank you to all the students that helped us out and made sure we had a good time in Olomouc. This is for sure an experience that will stick with me forever.

To the places I've been and the people I have met, thank you. Thank you for all the memories, thank you for all the love and happiness, thank you for all the never ending life lessons. This is an experience I will truly cherish forever.

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